Papers on behalf of DDMoRe
- ProbOnto – Ontology and Knowledge Base of Probability Distributions. Maciej J Swat, Pierre Grenon, Sarala Wimalaratne. Bioinformatics 2016. April 3
- Pharmacometrics Markup Language (PharmML): Opening New Perspectives for Model Exchange in Drug Development. MJ Swat, S Moodie, SM Wimalaratne, NR Kristensen, M Lavielle, A Mari, P Magni, MK Smith, R Bizzotto, L Pasotti, E Mezzalana, E Comets, C Sarr, N Terranova, E Blaudez, P Chan, J Chard, K Chatel, M Chenel, D Edwards, C Franklin, T Giorgino, M Glont, P Girard, P Grenon, K Harling, AC Hooker, R Kaye, R Keizer, C Kloft, JN Kok, N Kokash, C Laibe, C Laveille, G Lestini, F Mentré, A Munafo, R Nordgren, HB Nyberg, ZP Parra-Guillen, E Plan, B Ribba, G Smith, IF Trocóniz, F Yvon, PA Milligan, L Harnisch, M Karlsson, H Hermjakob and N Le Novère, CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, 2015, 4, 316-319
- A Review of Mixed-Effects Models of Tumor Growth and Effects of Anticancer Drug Treatment Used in Population Analysis. B Ribba, N H Holford, P Magni, I Trocóniz, I Gueorguieva, P Girard,C Sarr, M Elishmereni, C Kloft and L E Friberg, CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, 2014, 3, e113, doi:10.1038/psp.2014.12
- Current Use and Developments Needed for Optimal Design in Pharmacometrics: A study Performed Among DDMoRe’s European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Members. F Mentré, M Chenel, E Comets, J Grevel, A Hooker, MO Karlsson, M Lavielle and I Gueorguieva. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 2013, 2, e46
- White Paper: Landscape on Technical and Conceptual Requirements and Competence Framework in Drug/Disease Modeling and Simulation. G Vlasakakis, E Comets, A Keunecke, I Gueorguieva, P Magni, N Terranova, O Della Pasqua, E C de Lange and C Kloft. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 2013, 2, e40
- Drug and Disease Model Resources: A Consortium to Create Standards and Tools to Enhance Model-Based Drug development. L. Harnisch, I. Matthews, J. Chard and M.O. Karlsson on behalf of the DDMoRe consortium Partners and Contributors. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 2013, 2, e34
Papers related to DDMoRe
Good Practices in Model-Informed Drug Discovery andDevelopment: Practice, Application, and Documentation. EFPIA MID3 Workgroup: SF Marshall, R Burghaus, V Cosson, SYA Cheung, M Chenel, O DellaPasqua, N Frey,B Hamren, L Harnisch, F Ivanow, T Kerbusch, J Lippert, PA Milligan, S Rohou, A Staab, JL Steimer, C Tornøe and SAG Visser CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 2016, 5, 93–122
Books related to DDMoRe
Mixed Effects Models for the Population Approach: Models, Tasks, Methods and Tools
Marc Laveille